
cTc No. 60 (12.2022)

02 December 2022

The 60th issue of Communion and Communication, invites you to listen to the voices it has collected and relaunched, so that they may find a prayerful welcome in the hearts of those who read it.

 Voices of solidarity in pain and hope, voices of our Sisters living in places heavily marked by violence in so many of its manifestations. The stories that come from the Central African Republic, Haiti, Brazil, Sri Lanka, show us what form the Lord’s promise to Clare has today, that promise she received for herself, for her Sisters, for the city of Assisi: “I will always protect you”. Together with them and with those who live in the midst of conflicts and clashes, we welcome the words of the Apostle that Br Fábio reminds us of in his letter, meditating on how “Christ is indeed our peace”.

 Voices, that also tell of paths of unity: the journey of the Coordination of Federations in Italy; the online course organized by the Irish Sisters in which monasteries from four continents participated; the challenges, joys, discoveries experienced by Brothers and Sisters in Holland who share daily existence as a Franciscan Family; the life of the Sisters who, ‘hidden behind the Andes Mountains’, are a sign and leaven of the Gospel on Chilean land... Like instruments of the same orchestra, each playing their own score, they make heard the one symphony of communion.

Finally, the voice of proposal and stimulus which comes from Gabon and urges us to welcome and make our own the encyclical Fratelli Tutti. In this issue, we are listening to the first part.

In conclusion, a voice that... comes from the future! You will find an outline of the path that, together with Br Fábio, we have thought out for the next issues of Communion and Communication... A path for which we are already inviting each community to become active in their willingness to share experiences and reflections: a gift for all!

In the days when this issue of cTc will be sent out, the Commission for the revision of the General Constitutions will already be working ‘in person’, hosted by the Monastery of St Clare in Rome. We feel united with the Sisters and Brothers who, coordinated by Br Fábio, are trying to listen and see where the Spirit is moving in the life of our communities. We are grateful to them, and we invoke from the Father the same Spirit, so that he may inspire in them words which will move us all to follow with authenticity in the evangelical footsteps of Clare of Assisi today.

 Happy reading! 

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