
Declaration of the Third meeting of the Churches and Mining Network

13 September 2016
The mega mining does not solve the economic problems of our countries, on the contrary has harmful effects on people, communities and nature. This is one of the conclusions reached by the participants in the Third Meeting of the Churches and Mining Latin America Network, held from 2 to 4 September in the Colombian capital, which brought together 50 ( bishops, priests religious and lay) leaders from various countries.  Churches and Mining is an ecumenical and inter-religious network. From the Franciscans Family there were 3 people: Moema OFS, Igor YOFRA and Rodrigo OFM. [attachments size=small fields="caption" target=1 docid="11342,11347,11340,11339"] Peace and All Good! Rodrigo Péret, OFM [gallery link="file" ids="11346,11345,11344"]
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