
East Asian Friars collaborate for 2021 General Chapter

31 October 2019
The Ministers of the East Asia Conference (EAC) vowed to support the Philippine Province who will host the General Chapter in Manila, the first time to be held in Asia. This is one of the resolutions made during the Annual Ministers’ Meeting held from October 14-17, 2019 in Vung Tau City, Vietnam. The Ministers promised to extend assistance to the Philippines through finance and also through friar-personnel which could serve as interpreters and translators during the General Chapter. The friars from South Asia (SAAOC) will be having their meeting this March 2020 and is set to discuss the same topic as one of their agenda.   Franciscan Study Centre The EAC friars also decided during that same meeting to begin offering short courses in August 2020 to serve as building blocks of the Franciscan Study Center in Asia towards a full academic center as envisioned by FCAO. Among the short courses to be offered by the Franciscan Study Center in Asia is a Renewal Program (3 months) for friars celebrating their jubilees focused on strengthening human, Christian and Franciscan aspects of our life. The Ministers also planned to offer a training for Guardians and Formators (3 weeks) on Leadership and Management particularly in the area of Professional Standards and Code of Conduct. The three EAC Secretaries will also offer courses in the areas of JPIC, Formation and Studies; as well as Missions and Evangelization, suited to the Asian context.   EAC Lay Brothers Gathering 2020 The Ministers also agreed to hold the Second Lay Brothers Gathering in Vietnam in 2020 to be organized by the EAC Secretariat for Formation and Studies and also to send friar animators and lay partners to the International JPIC Course to be held in the Philippines on May 4-9, 2020. All the ministers are grateful to the Province of Vietnam for graciously hosting this year’s meeting. The Province of Vietnam also celebrates its 90th foundation anniversary this year. Text and image:
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