
Easter Letter of the Minister General 2023

31 March 2023

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You, Lord, brought me up from the realm of the dead;
You spared me from going down to the pit. 
(Ps 30:4)


To the Friars of the Order
To the Poor Clare and Conceptionist Sisters
To all Lay Franciscans


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May the Lord give you peace!

In Piero della Francesca's Resurrection, Christ stands victorious over death, but if we look closely, we can detect a veil of sorrow in his facial expression. The Crucified and Risen Lord has gone through life and death to the very end. He experienced the reality of the creaturely condition, with its contradictions, right down to the underworld.

Here my thoughts turn to St Francis. At the beginning of his conversion, returning from a dinner with friends, he steps back, stops and experiences a sudden and unknown sweetness, the fruit of an inner visitation of the Spirit (cf. 3Comp 7).
Later, in the encounter with the leper, after his initial instinct to flee because of the repugnance of that decaying body, Francis will finally be able to embrace and kiss him, experiencing that "what seemed bitter to me was changed into sweetness of mind and body" (2Test 3).
Will not that inner source of sweetness now enable him to celebrate Easter with the leper first and then with so many others? The smell of limitation and death has opened him to the sweetness of new life: it is Easter!

The path is marked out for us, and the way is irreversible.
Celebrating Easter means not turning our gaze away from human reality in its contradictory bright and dark aspects: the desire to love and to generate full life together with wars, the suffering of the common home, earthquakes, wounds to dialogue and fraternity between people, groups, nations, families, in our Church itself and also in our Fraternity.
How can we fail to recognise the Easter that erupts from these "underworlds" since the grace of the Risen One makes all things new and enables us to remain even in the face of the scandal of evil, which often seems to win out?

In this Centenary of the Rule, a covenant of life, we enthusiastically welcome the call to witness the hope of the Gospel with life and word in the "underworld" and the cracks of light of this difficult time, always loved by God.
In Greccio, Francis listened to the Gospel again, as he wanted to see with others the hardship and poverty in which the Son of God was born. The one who remained with us in the meagre appearance of bread. The spirit of the Gospel is of the little ones and the poor, free from temptations of power and possessions, enabled to build with patience, and, together with others, oases of fraternity and hope. Here we learn to listen and walk together with many. Here is an Easter path for us today so that the treasure of the Gospel lived as brothers and sisters may permeate this time afflicted by so much violence and longing for true peace. 

All this becomes possible if we recognise that we live in an age in which we are walking as "spiritual seekers", believers in the Crucified and Risen One and inflamed by the fire of Easter on the world's paths.

My best wishes then become the joyful offering of a few steps of life:

With the blessing of St Francis, I sincerely wish everyone an Easter of life in and through the reality of humanity today, which so many of us share in different parts of the world.

Your brother and servant

Br Massimo Fusarelli, OFM
Minister General  

OFM in the World Letters and Homilies Minister General
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