
Ecclesial Networks for Integral Ecology gathering at the Vatican

04 July 2023

The "Alliance of Ecclesial Networks for Integral Ecology", a network of networks from different biomes and regions of the world, holds its meeting of discernment and reflection on its identity, vocation and mission, with the accompaniment of the Department for the Service of Human Development Integral, in the Palace San Calisto, Vatican, from July 2 to 4.
The General Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation OFM participates in this meeting as a special guest.

The alliance is a conglomeration of networks representing different regions and areas of fauna and flora in the world.  Those participating in the event are reflecting on their identity, vocation and mission.
The forty-five representatives of seven biomes of the world have gathered to reflect on their identity, vocation and mission.  Some of the members of the Alliance of Ecclesial Networks for Integral Ecology are actively engaged in Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM), and in the similar entities across the world, including: Mesoamerica (REMAM); Guarani and Gran Chacho Aquifer (REGCHAG); Congo Basin (REBAC); Asia Pacific and Oceania (RAOEN); and their respective European, Canadian and United States counterparts.
Cardinal Michael Czerny, prefect of the dicastery, points out that this meeting “demonstrates that there are new ways to face the challenges of integral ecology in various parts of the world, without wanting to homogenize them, make them the same in all parts or institutionalize them”. “At this moment - he adds - we are together to listen, exchange ideas, pray, and continue this path together as the Alliance of Ecclesial Networks for Integral Ecology, deepening reflection, and strengthening collaboration.”

For Integral Ecology
For Mauricio Lopez, coordinator of this alliance of Territorial Ecclesial Networks, this is a historic moment for the process that began in a foundational meeting in March 2019 in Washington, “around the reflection of the Amazon Synod for integral ecology, accompaniment of indigenous peoples and new paths for the Church”.
In recent years, several virtual meetings were held, due to the limitations imposed by the pandemic, and many joint advocacy activities in forums such as the COP and contributing to the current synodal process of the Church, until reaching this important face-to-face meeting that gathers all this way to move forward. “This face-to-face meeting seeks to bring the lived path, the different processes of the networks and platforms, some more consolidated, others under construction and others that have not yet begun, to define together where we want to go, how we respond to what the Pope is asking us and to be in constant dialogue with this Dicastery (for Promoting Integral Human Development)”, affirms Lopez.
This meeting, sprinkled with much hope, amplifying the voices of the native peoples, pastoral agents within the diverse territories and ecclesial organizations, is carried out in an attitude of reflection and discernment.  It seeks to advance in the consolidation of the identity, vocation and mission of this Alliance of Networks.

Alliance with indigenous peoples
The indigenous leader of the Amazon, Marcivana Sataré Mawé, expresses that “the Church in the world has been a great ally of the indigenous peoples, promoting at the international level a discussion of their reality”.  She adds: “Pope Francis has been a great promoter of indigenous causes in the world, as demonstrated by our presence here within these networks in defense of Mother Earth”.
This meeting of the Ecclesial Networks for Integral Ecology, represented by the diversity of voices of the indigenous peoples, laity, religious, priests, bishops and cardinals present, testifies to the Church’s emphasis on the importance of incorporating the theme of integral ecology in its pastoral action oriented at safeguarding the future of the planet.
In various critical moments of the gathering of the various networks, Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si” served as a source of inspiration for all, especially his all-embracing recognition that “everything is interconnected” (LS 137) and that an integrated approach and actions are needed to safeguard of the common home and the people who live in it.

Text and Photos: Julio Caldeira / REPAM


General Curia JPIC Holy Father
Laudato Si' Movement Integral Ecology
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