
Faith, unity and fraternity mark establishment of new Province

Our Lady of Guadalupe, USA

19 October 2023

There were deep expressions of faith and joy, along with some tears shed, as friars from across the United States gathered in Kansas City on the morning of Oct. 17 for the birth of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe during the synodal Chapter of Unity. This historical unification paves the way for a future rooted in renewing Franciscan life, spirituality and fraternity by living the Gospel through service to the poor and those in the margins.

At the start of morning prayer, Minister General Massimo Fusarelli, OFM, said, “My brothers, by God’s grace and your generous spirits, you have come here to establish a new entity in our Order.”
He acknowledged that it was “a special moment, a time of emotions, and time of history,” while emphasizing that the friars’ faith gave them the capacity to come together. 

During the Rite of Suppression for the legacy provinces, members of the individual provinces were asked to stand. Br. Massimo called each Provincial Minister forward to recount a brief history of their respective province, share their gratitude for the past and hope for the future. Each friar then resigned his position and handed over the seal for the province. In response to each, Br. Massimo said, “In the name of the entire Order, I thank you, brother, and all the brothers for your fraternal life and ministry and call down the blessing of God upon you.” 

The Rites of Establishment of our Lady of Guadalupe Province and establishment of new administration followed. Br. Lawrence Hayes, OFM, was confirmed as the Provincial Minister of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe; Br. Mark Soehner, OFM, as Vicar Provincial; and Brothers John Eaton, OFM; Erick Lopez, OFM; Roger Lopez, OFM; Samuel Nasada, OFM; Rommel Perez Flores, OFM; José Rodriguez, OFM; and Edward Tlucek, OFM, to the office of Provincial Councilor. Each friar read his Profession of Faith and expressed his commitment to the Order and to his office. 

During his homily at Mass later in the morning, Br. Massimo told the friars that St. Francis is the perfect example of “how to harmonize our lives, the needs of our time, the Church and the Gospel”. 
“Dear brothers, as you all know, in the last couple of decades, so many friars have spent a lot of energy organizing, developing, scheduling, and estimating the events we are living,” Br. Massimo said. “And all of this should indeed be in service of our lives: what we can do, how we can live, what we can offer, and how we can make this new reality a true fraternal reality. It’s going to be challenging. Sometimes, maybe even frustrating. But we are witnessing something new being born. Our Order needs that newness and freshness!”
“Looking at the future with faith, celebrating this Holy Eucharist, and celebrating this Chapter, we strive to live every day as an opportunity to start fresh and to renew our response to the calling of the Lord. He sends us forth as brothers to the whole world, to bear witness to Him in word and deed, so as to draw everyone to the love of God,” Br. Massimo said. 

Br. Lawrence shared the new provincial administration’s vision for the Province of Our Lady of the Guadalupe during the afternoon session. He reminded the friars of Br. Massimo’s challenge “to remain open to the voice of the Spirit, as brothers ready to make bolder choices, leaving behind the inertia that often weighs us down, and believing that it is possible to live the newness of the Gospel and enjoy its freedom and joy, to be shared with many.” 
“I would add that it is not only the Order, but the larger Franciscan family in general, that is increasingly urging a renewal that can address the crises of our times,” he said noting that in a recent blog, Brian McLaren and Patrick Carolan called for a “Franciscan renaissance” that will be ecological, nonviolent, economic, and inclusive.
“Let’s show up, listen prayerfully, and speak up so that we, together, can mutually discern the movement of the Spirit among us, the signs of our times as it were, and begin to forge together a new culture for our new province,” he urged the brothers. “Let’s breathe deeply together of the Spirit, and pledge anew to live as witnesses of the novelty and joy of Gospel.” 

The friars were eager to share their hopes and dreams for the new province. Br. Tim Sucher, OFM, who serves at St. Francis Seraph Parish in Cincinnati, said, “I think the richness of so many is going to bring new life to the new province that we aren’t even aware of yet. The more we interact with each other, I think it’s going become richer and richer every time. A new spirit, a new commitment to our way of life, just a whole new vision for the friars is what I hope for.”
“One of my hopes is that energy that we get from here and the energy we are able to share will help us find ways to continually witness to the Gospel in all the places where we serve,” said Br. Raphael Ozoude, OFM, currently ministering with the Franciscan mission in Jamaica, expressing his desire to share the joy of the Gospel and fraternity with everyone the friars encounter. He also spoke of the desire to approach ministry with a posture of humility and be close to the poor. “The poverty of a lack of love is painful. If we are able to be close to people, then that would be very helpful, too.” 
Br. Roberto “Tito” Serrano, OFM, who serves as the Interim Director of the Damietta Cross-Cultural Center at Siena College in Loudonville, NY, said his hope “as we take shape and begin to implement new policies, we start to really look at how we can serve in the 21st century. I don’t want to leave behind the great things that we’ve done. I want to integrate them while holding on to our traditions.” 

By Eileen Connelly, OSU

In the cover picture, the new administration of the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe poses with the Minister General and General Delegate. From left to right: Br. José Rodriguez, OFM; Br. John Eaton, OFM; Br. Roger Lopez, OFM; Br. Samuel Nasada, OFM; Br. Rommel Perez Flores, OFM; Br Lawrence Hayes, OF;; Br. Erick Lopez, OFM; Br. Massimo Fusarelli, OFM; Br Mark Soehner, OFM; Br. Liam Caoimhin O'Laoide, OFM, General Delegate; Br. Edward Tlucek, OFM. 
(photo credit: Br. Octavio Duran, OFM)

Entities OFM in the World
Br Massimo Fusarelli ESC
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