
Feast day of the PUA and its Chancellor

18 January 2016
On the 18th of January, 2016, the feast day of the University and of its Chancellor was celebrated. The event took place in the Aula Magna of the PUA and had the theme, “Beyond the sun: an encounter with the encyclical Laudato si’”. Following a contribution from the Secretary General, Br. Mark Wach OFM, and words of welcome from the Rector of the University, Sr. Mary Melone SFA, two presentations were given. Prof. Cristina Simonelli, President of the Society of Italian Women Theologians, spoke on “Creation in travail – between urgency and patience” and his Excellency Kenneth Hackett, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, spoke on “The political reaction to the encyclical Laudato si’: challenges and opportunities”. Br. Michael A. Perry, Minister General of the Friars Minor, then presented the “St. Francis Award” to two scholars. Felice Accrocca, a priest of the Diocese of Latina and professor at the Gregorian University, was given the award in recognition of his volume, “A Saint on Paper. Biographical Sources for the life of St. Francis of Assisi”, while Aleksander Leon Horowski OFMCap was honored for his book, “Repertorium sermonum latinorum medii ævi ad laudem sancti Francisci Asssisiensis” – a compendium of medieval Latin sermons in praise of St. Francis of Assisi. Finally, Br. Michael A. Perry, the Chancellor of the Pontifical University Antonianum, spoke and brought the celebration to a close. [gallery link="file" ids="10215,10216,10217,10218,10219,10220,10221,10222,10223,10224,10225,10226,10227,10228,10229,10230,10231,10232,10233,10234,10235"]
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