
Forming for Mission

13 March 2015
The annual meeting on formation, with the topic of “forming for mission”, was held in the International Fraternity “Blessed Gabriele M. Allegra, OFM” of Rome, in the afternoon of the 11th of March 2015. The topic was presented by Br. Massimo Tedoldi, OFM, Secretary General for the Missions and Evangelisation, and Br. Vidal Rodriguez Lopez, OFM, Secretary General for Formation and Studies. There were references to the Pastoral Exhortation “Evangelli gaudium” of Pope Francis in both presentations in this year that is dedicated to the Consecrated Life, because there are horizons in both the mission and formation which challenge us to go forward as a Franciscan Order in an “outgoing” Church in which all of us are “disciples-missionaries”. The Friars who are studying at the Pontifical University Antonianum and other Roman centres and those who live in the International College while following a common life project and a programme of ongoing formation, accompanied by the team responsible for it, participated in the meeting. [gallery link="file" ids="9079,9080,9081,9082,9083,9084"]
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