
Fourth Continental Meeting of JPIC - Asia / Oceania

13 October 2017
  From October 9 to 14, the animators of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) from the EAC and SAAOC Conferences have met in the city of Seoul, South Korea. With the welcoming words of Br. Aloysio Kim, the JPIC animator of the Province of the Holy Martyrs of Korea, was launched the JPIC Continental Meeting which aims to encourage the work of the brothers responsible for JPIC in the different countries of the continent, to improve the quality of the communication, to have time for formation, reflection and action of the priority themes that the International Council of JPIC, in the spirit of Enclíca Laudato si’, proposed for the whole Order: migration, mining and new lifestyle. During these days the participants have shared the work that each animator or JPIC commission carries out in their region, through reports by entity. The reports have been submitted by India, Pakistan, Indonesia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan and Australia. The animators also participated in the formation sessions such as "The Problem of Migration and Human Trafficking in the Asian Region" presented by Joyce Kim, the counselor of the Durebang Foundation who accompanies victims of sexual exploitation in the camptowns around US military camps in South Korea after the Second World War. On the other hand, the American activist "Curry" has presented part of her works for the peace and opposition movement against the militarization of the region (innumerable military bases), particularly in Gangjeong village, Jeju island and in Okinawa. Finally, the theme of climate change has been present at this meeting in the presentation of Daul Jang, a Greenpeace activist who has brought particular attention to "the issue of Human Rights related to climate change and energy." The last two days of the meeting, the JPIC animators discussed the possibilities of work in both countries, making some concrete action plans to implement in their respective countries for the next three years. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="17006,17007,17008,17009,17010,17011,17012,17013"]
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