
Franciscan Scholars of Quaracchi launch stunning new website

25 June 2020
The community of Franciscan Friar scholars, called the Collegium Sancti Bonaventurae, is an International Center for Franciscan Studies and Research, with a publishing program called Quaracchi Editions, referring to their original home in a small town in Tuscany just outside Florence. They have since moved to the centre of Rome, in the beautiful setting of St. Isidore’s College of the Irish Franciscan Friars. Their work aims to make known the important insights of Franciscan writers of the last 800 years in diverse fields of learning, from philosophy and theology to geography and economics.  The catalog of the Quaracchi Editions currently lists over 300 titles of scholarly works reflecting this rich Christian intellectual tradition which includes the writings of John Duns Scotus, Bonaventure, Angela of Foligno, Alexander of Hales, Peter of John Olivi and other Franciscan thinkers. On 20 June 2020, they’ve launched a new website ( where the Quaracchi publications can be easily accessed along with their journal, the Archivum Franciscanum Historicum. Scholars are also invited to visit the website to see how they can consult the resources of the Quaracchi Library for research projects, specifically those related to some aspect of Franciscan history and thought. Br. William J. Short, OFM, Director of the Quaracchi editors, expresses his hope that this new website will help bring the centuries-old Franciscan tradition into dialogue with today's globalized and networked world.  "St. Francis of Assisi was a great communicator in his day, using poetry, song and even dance to communicate the Good News to his contemporaries.  The new Quaracchi website aims to bring into our digital age the rich tradition he founded, with its message of peace-making, love of the poor and care for creation."
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