
Franciscan Studies Week 2023

10th – 13th October, Lima (Peru)

15 October 2023

The Franciscan Studies Week 2023 was held from the 10th to 13th October at the Coliseum of the Private Educational Institution “St Anthony Padua” of Jesús María – Lima – Peru, organized by the Missionary Province of St Francis Solano of Peru and the Pontifical Antonianum University of Rome. The main themes of this Franciscan Week were the VIII Centenary of the approval of the Rule and the VIII Centenary of the celebration of the Nativity Scene of St. Francis in Greccio, Italy, both being significant events in the life of the Friars Minor.

Members of the Franciscan family, parish faithful and teachers from the various Franciscan educational institutions participated, who enjoyed some days of formation and fraternal sharing together.
The main speaker of the Study Week was fr. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, professor at the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome, along with other commentators and experts such as Br. Jorge Cajo Rodríguez, OFM and the Architect Mr. Javier Luna Elías.
After an interval of several years, this Franciscan Week is being celebrated again in Peru. It was attended by more than 600 friars who came from different parts of the country to celebrate together our way of life and the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Amongst the reports received in these days we can mention:

During the conference there was also a historical reflection on both events and the testimonies of Franciscan life of three friars: Br. Felipe Quiroz Viccina, OFM, Br. Antonio Goicoechea Mendizábal, OFM, and Sr. Sebastiana Fernández Roque, FIC, who presented their service to the Church since living the consecrated life and they gave profound messages appreciated by those present.
At the conclusion the Choir of the Toribianitos in Peru sang some famous Christmas Carols that enriched the event.
The Minister Provincial, Br. Marcos Saravia Orellana, OFM, closed the meeting by thanking the organizers of the event, the speakers and all the participants, encouraging them to make the most of the formation they had received in these days.

By: Br. Jorge Ñiquen Urquiza, OFM.

OFM in the World Franciscan Centenary
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