
Franciscan Vision Global Summit 2023

A year with the Later Rule

07 November 2023

The Franciscan Vision Global Summit (FVGS) 2023 held its 10th session on October 28 and with two more editions to go, it will mark the completion of a year-long online monthly symposium on the Later Rule of St. Francis
The online Summit inaugural session was held on 22 January 2023 with Br Massimo Fusarelli (Minster General of OFM) accompanied by Br John Wong OFM (Definitor General for Asia-Oceania Conference) gave his blessings and a brief introduction to the Franciscan Centenaries 2023-2026, as well as the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of TAU (1976 – 2026) – a Franciscan International Journal published in India.
The Conference of the Franciscan Family has invited all its members to celebrate together the Franciscan Centenary, living in the spirit and to the letter of Pope Francis’ invitation to embrace synodal pathway.

The Summit, held on the last Saturday of each month, has featured on January 21, Br Gerald Lobo OFM discussing how the Rule serves as an “antidote” to contemporary philosophy. Brother William J. Short OFM shared reflections on February 25, 2023 on how this Rule presents us with St. Francis of Assisi's Prayer - personal, fraternal, common, and liturgical vision for today. 
On March 25 Br Noel Muscat OFM delivered an insightful explanation of the Spirit of the Rule of 1223. He explored its relevance within the context of the grace of work and the responsible use of money and goods to further the cause of caring for our shared environment today. On April 29, Br Ignacio Ceja OFM, the Vicar General, underscored the pressing needs of our times and highlighted how Franciscans can play a pivotal role as peace builders today, echoing the principles outlined in the Rule of 1223. 
On May 27, Br Gabriel Mathias OFM highlighted the Anthropological dimension of the Rule, aware that while the text of the Rule remained unchanged even to the present day, Franciscans are living in different institutional framework and human reality. 
On June 24, 2023, Brother Benedict Vadekkekara OFMCap extended an invitation to all, encouraging a full embrace of the Rule of 1223 by actively participating in the unique Franciscan Mission of standing in solidarity with the impoverished across the world. As Pope Francis, in his ways, is leading the Church in the Franciscan Spirit, Br Dolphy Pias OFMCap delivered a comprehensive analysis on July 19, highlighting the Pope’s synodal pathway and his steadfast dedication to the Gospel and His Church.
Sister Frances Teresa Downing OSC, on August 26, illuminated the significant contributions of St. Clare in preserving the heritage of the Rule of 1223.
On September 30, Br Arokiam John's presented an intriguing topic, "The Absence of the Expression, 'to follow Christ and His Mother' in the Rule of 1223." During his presentation, he vividly elaborated on the meaning and contemporary significance of this theme.
On October 28, Br Paul Kallan OFM not only showed the relevance of the message of Laudato si’ of Pope Francis but reiterated that “the instructions of the Rule of 1223 (LR, VI, 7-9) were meant for the friars, but now they prove to be the Rule of life of all creation”. 

On November 25, 2023, Br. John Sekar OFM and Br. Matthew Beckman OFM will engage in discussions about the future of Franciscan Charism, Life, and Rule in Asia and Oceania, respectively.
The final session, taking place on December 2, 2023, will feature Franciscans representing five different continents – Br Lorenzo Turchi OFM (Europe), Br Gilberto Cavazos-González OFM (Americas), Br Valentine Eboh (Africa), Sr. Stella Balthazar FMM (Asia) and Sr. Francisco Nirmala Gnanapragasam FMM (Oceania) – who will reflect on the 8th centenary of the Greccio nativity scene and the rediscovery of the Incarnation of Jesus, with a focus on the future of the spirit of Greccio in the aforesaid continents.

Br. Massimo Fusarelli OFM said: “I ask everyone not to let the Centenary pass with that certain distraction or sloth that can grip us in this time, which seems to numb every passion and enthusiasm”. 
It’s evident that the Franciscan Vision Global Summit 2023, with more than 1500 registered participants from about 60 countries and around 70 Congregations belonging to the Franciscan Family and even friends from different non-Franciscan family and non-Christian faiths,  genuinely addresses the heartfelt longing expressed by Br. Massimo. Furthermore, this Summit will continue to commemorate the Franciscan Centenaries in the years leading up to 2026. 

Embracing the call of the Church and the Franciscan Minister Generals, Br Arokiam John OFM (Professor in the faculty of Theology at the Pontifical Antonianum University in Rome and the Editor of TAU) proposed The Franciscan Vision Global Summit 2023-2026 (online) to Br. Xavier Durairaj OFM, the Minister Provincial of St. Thomas the Apostle, India. So the FVGS Team was formed and it is co-ordinated by Br Arokiam John. 
The monthly Virtual meeting is hosted on behalf of OFM-India by Br John Sekar OFM, the Secretary of the Province of St Thomas the Apostle, India, and by Br Mathew Joseph OFM, the Director of Franciscan Communication Centre (TAALA).

OFM in the World Franciscan Centenary
St Francis
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