
Franciscans, Planning for COP24, Katowice

23 August 2018
COP24 is the informal name for the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). COP24 will take place from 3-14 December 2018, in Katowice, Poland. It’s relevant to the Franciscans to participate in COP in any way possible. Firstly, because COP is the only space where the negotiation on the solutions to the climate crisis by the governmental delegates actually happens, and the ethical dimension must be emphasized in the solutions. Franciscans can collaborate with other inter-faith groups and NGOs especially in this respect. Secondly, such movement can be the sign and the example to raise awareness in the Church, since the ecological dimension of the Christian conversion is not yet the famous subject in the Christian community itself. The Franciscan presence in the COP can give testimony to the vision of St. Francis to the world. Thirdly, COP is an exceptional place where one can listen to the powerful testimonies of the most vulnerable in the world, various activists, and experts, and have a dialogue with them. They are the victims of the social and ecological crisis as well as the prophets of our time. Just like the encounter with the Christ in a leper has changed the life of St. Francis, it’s critical for the Franciscans to be touched by those who are affected by the systematic injustice.   Planning for COP24, Katowice This year’s participation has several objectives:
  1. To be present among the people in solidarity.
  2. To pray for the victims of the climate crisis and the Creation along with the local church.
  3. To raise awareness among the Franciscans on the climate change and ecological conversion through dialogue.
  The JPIC General office is planning on the participation in (inter-faith/ecumenical/Franciscan) prayer vigils for the creation, public marches and pilgrimages, and organizing a Franciscan conference on the role of religious communities for the creation. Its tentative title is “Climate crisis and the role of religions for climate justice.” We are trying to invite panels from different backgrounds and hope this conference would facilitate productive dialogue between religious communities, the civil society, and local workers. We are still working on the details of the program and inform you later so that many of you can take part in. Your ideas and suggestions as well as questions are always welcome. Send us messages to  

JPIC General Office – Rome

OFM in the World
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