
Fraternal Celebration in the Ukraine Province

25 September 2017
The annual meeting of the friars of the Province of St. Michael the Archangel, Ukraine, took place from September 4th to 8th in the Caritas Center of the Kiev-Zhytomyr diocese. All the friars of the Province attended and celebrated their fraternity in a brotherly spirit, with "one heart and one soul". The friars received the Minister General and Br. Ivan Sesar, General Definitor (Slavic Conferences) with great joy, spending a whole day in meetings - firstly with the Provincial Definitory, and secondly with all of the friars of the Province. During these meetings the care and interest of the Minister General and General Definitor for this Province was evident - in fact, it is the youngest Province in the Order. In his address, the Minister General reflected on the current state of the Order and on the challenges that the world puts before us. He spoke about his dreams for the future of the Order, encouraging the friars to be faithful to the Franciscan charism. This charism must be lived out in the specific culture of the Ukraine, with a distinctive way of life and a specific pastoral approach. Br. Ivan Sesar remarked that the youthful age of the Province has advantages and disadvantages, with so much to learn. The meeting with the General Minister concluded with the celebration of the Eucharist in the parish church of Zhytomyr, located next to the Provincial Curia. After Mass, Br. Michael gave his blessing to the friars, and to the many people gathered for the occasion.   [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="16724,16725,16726,16727,16728,16729,16730,16731,16732,16733,16734,16735,16736,16737,16738"]  
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