
Fraternal Visit to the Assumption BVM Province, Poland

21 October 2016
From October 12th to 14th, the Minister General, Br. Michael Perry, accompanied by Br. Ivan Sesar, General Definitor for the region, visited the Province of the Assumption BVM, a Province in Poland of about 300 friars, including 35 in Initial Formation. The first evening of the visit was spent in Katowice-Panewniki, where Brs. Michael and Ivan were welcomed by Br. Antonin Brzakalik, Minister Provincial, Br. Dymitr Zeglin, Vicar Provincial, and Br. Sergiusz Baldyga, Guardian. The guests got to know this large fraternity and shared in the joy of the gathering. The following day involved a meeting with the Provincial Leadership, and then a gathering of many friars from various houses of the Province. At midday a solemn celebration of the Eucharist took place at the Basilica of Christ the King, with Br. Michael presiding. The friars in Initial Formation had a meeting in the afternoon, followed by one for the Formators of the Province. Brs. Michael and Ivan didn’t neglect the sick and elderly friars, visiting them in the infirmary. That evening another encounter took place, this time at the “Three Companions” Youth and Vocations Centre in Chorzow, where the Minister and Definitor General met all the friars of the local fraternity before moving on to the new “Pro Terra Sancta” office of the Province, which was blessed by Br. Michael. On October 14th, after a brief visit to the Katowice-Panewniki Herbal Centre, Brs. Michael and Ivan left for Ukraine, accompanied by the Minister and Vicar Provincial, in order to visit the Greek-Byzantine Rite Foundation of All Franciscan Saints. [gallery link="file" ids="11629,11628,11631,11632,11633,11630,11634,11635,11636,11637,11639,11642,11643,11644,11645"]
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