
Fraternal Visit to the Custody of the Sacred Heart - Brazil

25 June 2019
After visiting the Holy Cross Province, Br. Michael Anthony Perry made a fraternal visit to the Custody of the Sacred Heart also in South East Brazil on 15 to 20 June. Br. Valmir Ramos, member of this Custody and Definitor General for Latin America travelled with him. They arrived on 15 June in Uberlandia. Br. Michael was received by the Custos, Br. Fernando Aparecido dos Santos, and met the Poor Clare sisters of the Monte Alverne Monastery and celebrated the Eucharist with them. In Uberlandia, he visited a suburban neighbourhood wherethe friars accompanyfamilies'struggles (over 700) to have dignity and a roof over their head.On Sunday, 16 June, he celebrated Mass with the parish community and the Franciscan Family and had a fraternal meeting with the Franciscan friars and sisters. In the afternoon he met a large group of young people who attendthe parish and itsevangelising activities. On Monday, he went to Bebedouro, in the State of Sao Paulo. While there he visited the social works carried outby the friars with human development projects. The firstvisit was to the House of Santa Clara that welcomes children who have beenabandoned or taken away from their family due to violence, negligence or drugs. In the evening, Br.Michael met the Franciscan Family of the area. On the 18th, Br. Michael visited the Educandario Santo Antonio, another ministry in Bebedouro that has taken care of almost 300 needy children and youthsfor more than 50 years, with school and cultural and sportingactivities throughout the day. Alsoon the 18th, the Minister went to Franca, headquarters of the Custody, where on the following day he visited a nursery with 98 children and met all those inInitial Formation in the morning and in the afternoon almost all the friars of the Custody. On the evening of the 19th, he celebrated the Eucharist and received the solemn vows of Br. Everton Leandro Piotto in the Church of San Giuda Tadeo in Franca. On the last day of the visit to the Custody, after celebrating Corpus Christi in one of the pastoral areas, he went to Ribeirão Preto, where he met the Franciscan Family and from where he left to visit the St. Anthony Province.   [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="23000,23002,23003,23004,23005,23006,23007,23008,23009"]
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