
Fraternal visit to the Province of Saint Anthony - Brazil

02 July 2019
Concluding the fraternal visits to Brazil, Br. Michael Anthony Perry visited the Province of Saint Anthony, on 21 to 28 June. Br. Valmir Ramos, Definitor for Latin America, accompanied him. The arrived on 21 June in Salvador, Bahia, in the Friary of Saint Francis (Pelourinho) where the Province has their Philosophy students and takes care of some elderly friars and other sick people. The 22nd was reserved for some rest and a visit to the Shrine of Blessed Dulce dei Poveri, a Brazilian religious who lived with the poorest and created a 1000 bed hospital in Salvador for the poor; around 300 doctors in 40 specialisations work there today. Moreover, part of it is a hospital/residence for about 500 sick or disabled, abandoned children and adults. The Capuchin friars are chaplains in the hospital and the sanctuary. The canonisation of Blessed Dulce will take place next October. On the 23rd he met the Conceptionist sisters of Salvador and celebrated with them in the morning. In the afternoon he met the friars of the North East area of ​​Brazil, who live closer to Salvador. Br. Michael then moved on to Lagoa Seca, where he met the novices and postulants on 24 June. The following day he celebrated with the Poor Clare sisters of the Santa Clara Monastery in Campina Grande and met all the friars of that area. On 26 June he met with the Provincial Definitory with whom he discussed some challenges in the Order and in the Province above and beyond those of the Province Project that every Entity needs. Passing through Recife, Br. Michael went to Fortaleza, where on the 27th he celebrated with the Franciscan Family and visited the Conceptionist sisters. Afterwards, he went to Canindé, to the Sanctuary of Saint Francis of the Wounds, where about 2 million pilgrims come each year. There he visited the social projects led by the friars, celebrated and met the Poor Clare sisters and had a meeting with the friars of the Province of that area in ​​the North East of Brazil. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="23099,23100,23101,23102,23103,23104,23105,23106,23107,23108"]
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