
Fraternal visit to the Province of St. Francis of Assisi - Brazil

12 June 2019
Br. Michael Anthony Perry, ofm, made a fraternal visit to the Province of St. Francis of Assisi, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, between 3 and 8 June. Br. Valmir Ramos, ofm, Definitor for Latin Americaaccompanied him. They arrived on 3 June in Porto Alegre at the Provincial Curia where Br. Michael began the visit by talking to some elderly and infirm confreres.  He also met the Provincial Definitory in the Curia to listen to and share the challenges of animating the Order. On 4 June, the Minister General visited the tremendous social work coordinated by the friars of the Province, the CPCA (Centro de Promoção da Criança and do Adolescente) situated in the suburbs of Porto Alegre. The CPCA maintains several projects for the protection and development of thousands of poor children and teenagers as well as street children. On the 5th, Br. Michael met the friars of the Province at Daltro Filho, Immigrante, and shared some reflections on the Franciscan identity, our mission today and some of the challenges of the Order in the face of rapid changes in the world, in the Church and our Order. Br. Inacio Dellazari and the friars of the Province had the opportunity to share some of the life of the Province with its challenges. Back in Porto Alegre on the 6th, he celebrated with the Franciscan Family in the Saint Francis Parish and shared a moment of fraternity. Besides the OFS fraternity, sisters of at least five other Franciscan and lay institutes of the Parish were present. In the morning of the 7th, Br. Michael was able to visit the Institute of Higher Studies of the Capuchin confreres in Porto Alegre, ESTEF (Escola Superior de Teologia Franciscana). Our student friars attend courses in theology and Franciscan spirituality in this institute, and some of our professed friars teach there. At the end of the visit, Br. Michael celebrated with the Poor Clares in the San Damiano Monastery in Porto Alegre. It was his birthday, and he celebrated with the friars of the Provincial Curia. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="22872,22873,22874,22875,22876,22877,22878,22879,22880"]
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