
Friar Alessandro, a Voice from Assisi will Resound Once More All Over the World

11 November 2016
A Voice from Assisi will once again ring around all over the world on 22nd November 2016 and everyone is welcome to be a part of it. The American Television Channel, PBS is recording a concert of the internationally famous tenor, Friar Alessandro, at the Upper Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi. The concert is to be screened nationwide across the USA in March 2017. Being a recording for the Public Broadcast Services channel, which goes into almost all American TV homes, means that the performance may be stopped for corrections and the reaction of audience members to the concert will be filmed. Attendance at the concert means acceptance of these conditions. The performance begins at 8.30 pm and entrance is free, though there will be a possibility to give a free will donation before leaving. Friar Alessandro will be supported by the Chamber Orchestra of Perugia, the Choir of the Basilica of St. Francis and Coro Aurora, a local children’s choir. He will sing a selection of songs from his trilogy of CDs, Voice from Assisi, Voice of Joy and Voice of Peace. Music lovers are in store for a wonderful treat on the feast day of the patron saint of music, Saint Cecilia! Source:
OFM in the World
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