
FRIAR App Version 2.0 Released

17 October 2016
The Franciscan Friars of the United States (USFranciscans) are excited to announce the release of FRIAR App 2.0 with new features that expand the way we connect via the app. Expanded Interconnectivity In version 2.0 of the app, new features are designed to increase the ways that you can connect with others in this prayer community. You can now: (You, of course, have the ability to control how much or little of your information is shared.) NEW! Find US One of the most exciting new features of 2.0 is the “Find US” feature. Now, no matter where you are in the United States, opening the “Find US” feature will show you all of the Franciscan places near you. This will allow you to find Franciscan churches, retreat centers, houses of prayer and other ministries near you at any time. Download the App Today The Friar App is a first-of-its kind app for smart phones that creates a unique communal space for prayer by allowing you to request prayers, join in the prayers of others and have Franciscan friars across the country and others pray for you. Since its inception, the Friar App also allows you to have a real candle lit for your prayer (or someone else’s prayer) in an actual Franciscan church. The app is available in the Apple App Store for iPhone and the Google Play Store for Android, and can be found by clicking on the link or scanning the QR code below. There is no cost to install the app or to submit or join in prayer requests. There is a small fee to cover the cost of lighting an actual candle. [gallery columns="2" link="file" ids="11593,11592"]
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