
Full of life. The Rule of Saint Francis today

Br Massimo Fusarelli talks about the relevance of the Rule in today's world

28 November 2023

The book “Piena di Vita. The Rule of Saint Francis today", written by Br. Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General of the OFM.

Precisely in the year of the 800th anniversary of the Rule (1223 – 2023), Brother Massimo invites those who do not know it to read some parts of it, delve deeper into it, to discover a text that still today continues to provoke, to inspire, to instill inspiration for a choice of a full life.

The first two chapters narrate the process that led Francis to write down shared points that held together a movement that was growing dramatically in numbers: everyone was attracted by the radical life choice of the Poor Man of Assisi! And like all events that are not static, but dynamic, this too had its difficulties.

 The third chapter enters the body of the Rule, trying «to read it as a possible “rule”, that is, a life orientation for us too, women and men of the 21st century. It's not easy, but we must at least try", writes Br Massimo.

Thus, we are able to retrace the 12 Chapters of the Rule, seeking in each one the "beating heart" to make it current in our times today: not a fixed security, but an "orientation" that can give "light and salt to life, directing it to the Gospel, in order to live in the ever-new situations that existence places before us, especially today."

Piena di Vita
La Regola di san Francesco oggi
Di Massimo Fusarelli OFM
Edizioni San Paolo, 110 pagg. 2023

St Francis
Br Massimo Fusarelli
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