
General Secretariat for Formation and Studies visits the Custody in Pakistan

07 February 2019
The Secretary and Vice-Secretary General for Formation and Studies, Br. Cesare Vaiani and Br. Siniša Balajic, visited the Custody of St. John the Baptist in Pakistan from 20 to 27 January 2019. During their stay in Pakistan, they visited the formation houses in Karachi, where they had talks with all the novices and students of philosophy and theology. Furthermore, they met with the Custos, Br. Yusuf Bagh, with all the formators, the members of the Secretariat of Formation and Studies of the Custody, with the vocational Animator and the Moderator of Ongoing Formation and with the Guardians. On 25 January they took part in the ordination of 4 friars, which took place in Multan (in the centre of the country), where they had the opportunity to meet other formators and friars who were unable to attend the meeting Karachi. On the last day of the visit, on the evening of Saturday, January 26, Br. Caesar and Br. Siniša again met all the friars of the Karachi and Hyderabad guardianate along with the theology students. They held a fraternal conversation and shared their impressions, ideas and viewpoints. After the meeting, they had a festive dinner together. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="21538,21539,21540,21541,21542,21543,21544,21545"]        
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