
General Secretariat of Mission and Evangelization and JPIC General Office in Indonesia

Province of Saint Michael the Archangel

22 April 2024

The General Secretariat for Missions and Evangelization (SGME), in the persons of the Secretary, Br Francisco Gómez, and the Animator, Br Dennis Tayo, together with the General Office for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC), composed of the Director, Br Daniel Rodríguez Blanco, and his deputy, Br Taucen Girsang, visited the Franciscan Province of St Michael the Archangel in Indonesia from 1 to 6 April.

The activities within the program were set up by the host Province including meetings with brothers and learning about some experiences. In each of item program, hospitality and a warm welcome were manifested in rituals, food, souvenirs and fraternal smiles.
On the morning of April 3, a dialogue was held with the Minister Provincial, Br Michael Peruhe, the Vicar Provincial, Br Daniel Klau Nahak and the Secretary provincial of Mission and Evangelization, Br Agustinus Nggame, and the animators and staff of the JPIC, as well as some friars working in schools, orphanages, parishes, and others. Ongoing projects undertaken by the animation bodies of the General Curia and the Province were mutually shared. Likewise, the local works being done by the brothers of the Province at various levels were respectively valued.
In the afternoon, they visited a Muslim community that develops a life around integral ecology and art. They made the decision and commitment to transform a city garbage dump into a green zone like a protected forest along the Ciliwung river, the largest river in Jakarta. At six o’clock in the afternoon, as the Ramadhan fast-breaking time ends, a bountiful dinner was shared.

The next day, early in the morning the brothers traveled to Carceri Fraternity in Singdanglaya, West Java, which is in a hilly area with green tea plantations. This fraternity develops eco-pastoral programs that consisting of the cultivation of flowers, coffee, fruits and vegetables by some families in order to raise awareness of the importance of caring for the common home and gaining economic resources. 
Meanwhile, on the morning of April 5, a fruitful meeting was held with the fraternity of the novitiate in Depok, West Java. Novices learned about the new facilities of the formation house and greeted the elderly brothers who live next to the novitiate.
Furthermore, the meeting with the friars in temporary profession took place in the afternoon. The topics of mission, evangelization and JPIC were addressed. Then a dialogue was opened in which the participating brothers could share their wishes, aspirations and doubts.

On April 6, Br Taucen and Br Daniel had a meeting with the Inter-Franciscan Commission for JPIC of Indonesia at the San Pascual Bailón Parish. The meeting presented the global and local challenges being faced and the responses being given at various levels.
At the end of the visit, the brothers of the General Curia expressed their gratitude to the Province of Saint Michael the Arcángel for the important work they carry out with its roadmap in different areas of evangelization, mission and JPIC materialized in sending friars to various missions of the Order, the eco-projects, pastoral care, interreligious dialogue, care for orphans and the poor, contributions to the Instrumentum Laboris of the Ratio Evangelizationis, synergy with the Franciscan family.

JPIC Visits to the Entities Mission & Evangelisation
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