
General Secretaries for Formation and Studies

27 March 2015
On the morning of March, 26, 2015, there was a gathering of the general Secretaries for Formation and Studies (GSFE) of the First Franciscan Order (Order of Friars Minor, Order of Friars Minor Conventual and Order of Friars Minor Capuchin) at the OFM Genral Curia in Roma. The meeting was attended by the SGFE of the respective obediences: OFMCONV: Friar Roberto Carboni ofmconv and Friar Renzo Degni ofmconv; OFMCAP: Friar Charles Aphonse ofmcap and Friar Jaime Rey OFMCap; OFM: Friar Vidal Rodríguez ofm and Friar Sergiusz Baldyga ofm. The objective of this gathering was to continue to deepen collaboration among the Franciscan family, especially in the area of studies. A discussion was had on strategies for working in conjunto so as to promote our various Franciscan Academic Institutions. [gallery columns="2" link="file" ids="9127,9128,9129,9130"]
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