
Goods and Minority: legal, fiscal and managerial profiles of Church Entities and the third sector  

24 August 2017
  The Higher Institute of Religious Science “Redemptor Hominis”  of the Pontifical University of the Antonianum is organizing at its centre in Rome the Advanced Formation Course: Goods and Minority: legal, fiscal and managerial profiles of Church Entities and the third sector.   It is an important Formation event and useful study to ensure that indispensable economic vision for a management of goods that is consistent with the values and spirituality of the entities in question.   Aims The strongly practical didactic methodology allows participants to attain both a knowledge of the legal and economic problems as well as possession of the necessary tools to approach and to solve a wide variety of situations, both ordinary and extraordinary, typical of the management of an ecclesiastical body and of the third sector. The lessons will be aim, moreover, to bring out the capacity to understand and deal with the diverse circumstances of the management sphere to sustainability, that is to the reduction of inequalities and the increase of socio-environmental responsibility both present and future, in order to favour the understanding, promotion and attainment of the values of gratuity, solidarity and the common good, which are indispensable to the creation of economic models and structures which are inclusive and render us more human.   Target group The course is aimed at:   Length and Mode of learning The course is a biennial one will have 48 days of classroom lessons, spread out over 2 annual sessions, each lasting a total of 4 weeks, for a total of 60 ECTS. The two annual sessions will in 2018 take place, from 22nd January to 3rd February and from 25th June to 7th July; and in 2019, from 22nd January to 2nd February and from  24th June to 6th July.   Participation and further information To enrol it is necessary to complete the form on the link below. For further information, for example on the entrance requirements, you can send an e-mail to either of the following e-mail addresses o or telephone the following numbers 0670373502 e 0670373527.
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