
Honorius III, the Friars Minor and the Rule of 1223

On the occasion of the 800th Anniversary of the Confirmation of the Rule

06 October 2023

The Italian Historical Institute for the Middle Ages has published the book "Honorius III, the Friars Minor and the Rule of 1223", edited by Antonella Dejure, Christian Grasso, Juri Leoni, Marco Guida, Massimo Miglio and Sara Muzzi, which concerns the Rule of the Friars Minor of 1223. 

The book is the result of the international conference held at the Pontifical University Antonianum (PUA) on 12-13 May 2022 and comes out on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the confirmation of the Rule; it will be an essential point of reference for those who want to study and deepen the Rule of the Friars Minor and its tradition. The preamble reads: "Proinde is sit finis libri, sed non finis quaerendi". 

With these words of Bernard of Clairvaux concluded the volume New Studies on Honorius III published in 2017 by the Italian Historical Institute for the Middle Ages in the Italia Sacra series. It was hoped that the studies on the Pontificate of Honorius III (1216-1227) would be continued. The same desire was expressed at the end of the research seminar by Cencio Romano to Honorius III. Nuovi Studi, held at the Pontifical University Antonianum on the 15th May 2018, the reports of which were published in the journal Antonianum, issue 3 of 2019. 

Honorius III was for a long time, perhaps even too long, one of the least frequented Pontiffs historiographically. His own role, which is central to the genesis and historical development of the Order of Friars Minor, has thus been blurred. And yet, it was Honorius III himself who put his signature at the end of the famous Solet annuere, with which on 29th November 1223 the Apostolic See confirmed the Rule of Life of the Order created by Francis of Assisi. 

To discover the contents of the rich volume, read an excerpt

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