
International Council for Formation and Studies

01 February 2016
The meeting of the International Council for Formation and Studies, which took place in the General Curia, ended January 28, 2016. The Council discussed various issues related to Formation, to the pastoral care of vocations, the knowledge and application of the Documents of the Order, the Continental Congresses of Formation, to the Congress of OFM study centers, inter-provincial, inter-cultural and national & world-wide dimensions, and the Under-10. After discussions, proposals were drawn up in this regard that will be presented to the next tempo forte of the General Definitorium. On January 26, the participants visited the Pontifical University Antonianum and met with the Rector, Sr. Mary Melone. She made a report on the study, formation and mission emphasizing that study should be in the service of the formation of the person as well as the mission of the Order and the Church. After meeting with the Rector of the PUA the secretaries went to celebrate the Eucharist with students of the Gabriele Allegra Community - who celebrated the day of their patron, that is, Friar Gabriele Allegra. The Eucharist was presided over by Friar Caesar Vaiani (SGFS). After the Eucharistic celebration the brothers gathered in the student refectory to continue celebrating. On the last day of the Council (January 28) the Executive Committee of the Board the was elected. It is made up of three members of the Board: friar Andreas Brands (Germany), friar Marco Antonio Gudiño (Mexico) e friar Peter Moghal (Pakistan). [gallery link="file" ids="10337,10335,10336,10338,10334,10339,10340,10341,10343"]
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