
Interprovincial Chapter of Mats

Provinces of Portugal and Spain (Santiago de Compostela)

07 May 2024

On the 1st May 2024, the Interprovincial Chapter of Mats of the Provinces of the Holy Martyrs of Morocco (Portugal) and St James of Compostela (Spain) was held in Montariol, Braga (Portugal).
The meeting began with Lauds, the presentation of the friars that were present by the Fraternities and the group work on the following questions:
1. Renewing our vision: what characteristics should we open up to today?
2. Walking according to a model: what is the prophetic model of fraternity in minority?
3. Embracing the Future: Testimony and Mission: Who and How Do We Serve?

The morning ended with the Eucharist presided over by the Bishop Emeritus of Bragança-Miranda, Mgr. António Montes Moreira, OFM. The Archbishop emeritus of Tangier, Msgr. Fr Santiago Agrelo, OFM, also celebrated.
In the afternoon, the Chapter began at 3 p.m. with a musical moment in the friary church, followed by group work for reflection carried out by the confreres in the morning. 
At 5 p.m., the work of this Interprovincial Chapter of Mats concluded with the interventions of the Provincial Ministers of both Provinces, Br. Juan Manuel Burján García (Spain) and Br. Fernando Valente da Silva Mota (Portugal).

There were 57 brothers present at this Chapter: 21 from Galicia (Spain) and 36 from Portugal.

Chapters OFM in the World
Chapter of Mats
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