Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Franciscan family, wherever they are and wherever they serve God’s people, continue to be instruments of peace and harmony among members of all religious traditions, cultures, and nations.
With this vision since the 13th century, the Franciscan brothers came to live and serve in Turkey, a land which is known for its rich religious and cultural heritage. It gives a great opportunity to learn about other faith traditions and other Christian denominations and to work together as a human family for the good of the whole of humanity. Above all, this is the land where the Church was born and Christian doctrines and dogmas were developed in the early phase of the history of the Church. In this perspective, the universal Church commemorates that about 1,700 years ago the Ecumenical Council of Nicaea was held in this part of the world.
The International Franciscan Community in Turkey every year organises a formation course on ecumenical and interreligious dialogue for members of the Franciscan Family to seize this great opportunity for renewal and deepening of their faith. As well as learning about other faith traditions through dialogue and mutual sharing of experiences.
We are pleased to invite you to the 18th Formation Course on Interreligious and Ecumenical Dialogue, which will take place from 13th to 26th October 2024 at the Friary of Santa Maria Draperis, Istanbul, Turkey. This course consists of presentation, sharing of experiences, dialogue, and encounters with the members of other religions and Christian denominations, visits to various places of worship and pilgrimage to biblical places.
As only a limited number of participants can avail of this opportunity, your prompt response will be highly appreciated. We would be pleased to assist you in this process of formation for dialogue. Those who are interested and wish to attend this course must contact us as soon as possible so that we can ensure your participation.
Br Eleuthère Makuta, OFM
Guardian of the Franciscan International Community of Istanbul, Turkey
Br Eleuthere Makuta, OFM:
Br Pascal Robert, OFM:
Br Felianus Dogon, OFM:
Church of Santa Maria Draperis
Istiklal Caddesi n. 215 - P.K. 243
34433 Beyoğlu – Istanbul, TURKEY