
Jerusalem Statement of the International Council for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

10 July 2019
The International Council for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation of the Order met in Jerusalem, from June 3 to 9, 2019. Its members evaluated the past three years’ work and mapped out the path for the general direction of our JPIC promotion effort for the next triennium. The JPIC Coordinators of the Conferences has provided decisive leadership in that effort that paves the way for effective implementation of the decisions of this year’s meeting. Challenged by the 2018 Plenary Council of the Order, “We desire to dream and, at the same time, be prophets of hope, capable of proclaiming the Gospel for the building of the Kingdom, denouncing and fighting concrete situations of injustice and violence in our present world. This attitude will make us bear much fruit as consecrated persons.” Read the full textEnglish - Español - Italiano - FrançaisPortuguês - 中文 - 日本語
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