
JPIC Animation Committee held its annual meeting

01 April 2022
The JPIC Animation Committee met in person and virtually on 22 - 25 March. Br Jacek Orzechowski, OFM from the United States, Br Daniel Rodríguez, OFM from El Salvador, and Br Francesco Zecca, OFM and Jaime Campos, OFM took part in person in the General Curia in Rome. Among the functions of the Animation Committee is to assist the Animator of the JPIC Office in implementing the projects and suggestions proposed by the IJPICC Assembly and approved by the General Definitory (SS 6,1). During our meeting, we discussed and made some decisions on the following topics:
  1. Shema Meetings
In collaboration with JPIC Media, the JPIC Animation Committee will join the organisation of three online meetings for dialogue, reflection, prayer and action. With simultaneous translation and parallel rooms per language in zoom. This will allow for sharing among all participants. 3 September: During the Time of Creation 23 September: In preparation for the World Day for Migrants and Refugees 22 October: In preparation for the celebration of the Spirit of Assisi
  1. Laudato Si' Week
The JPIC Office, as part of the Laudato Si' Week Committee, together with the Laudato Si' Movement, will collaborate in the organisation of one of the global events on the theme of "ecological education".
  1. JPIC, Formation and Studies
The Animation Committee met with Br Darko Tepert, OFM Secretary General for Formation and Studies. From orientation 27 of the General Chapter, a dialogue was initiated to foster collaborative work, enabling the values of JPIC to be more incarnated in the processes of initial and ongoing formation. From this dialogue, two paths emerged for the coming years: formative experiences and a re-evaluation of the theological content of formation from the perspective of integral ecology (for example: the Diploma and Licentiate in Philosophy with a specialisation in integral ecology).
  1. JPIC, Missions and Evangelisation
The JPIC Animation Committee participated in the International Council for Missions and Evangelisation meeting. They discussed how JPIC values - the values of the Kingdom - can be more present and at the service of the Missions and Evangelisation. Furthermore, the progress made by the Franciscan Network of the Mediterranean was shared as a meeting point. Finally, some criteria for the creation of the Ratio Evangelizationis were presented.
  1. Brazil-South Cone Conference
The JPIC Animation Committee, together with the Vicar General, the Secretary General for Formation and Studies and the Secretary General for Missions and Evangelisation, participated virtually in the meeting of the Brazil-South Cone Conference. This was attended by Ministers Provincial, Secretaries for Formation and Studies, Missions and Evangelisation and JPIC animators from all the entities belonging to the Conference. The guidelines for implementing Orientation 27 and Mandate 28 (JPIC) of the General Chapter 2021 were presented.
  1. Franciscan Networks, mandate 28 General Chapter 2021
Franciscan Network of the Mediterranean: Br Francesco Zecca, OFM, gave an update. The Conference of Ministers Provincial of Italy and Albania (COMPI) decided to create a fraternity in Taranto (southern Italy) to carry out the project "OIKOS" (Integral Ecology Centre for the Mediterranean). This project will be the "motor" of the network. The projects are currently in progress:
  1. Oikos - youth: 6 youth groups have been formed in Taranto, Scutari, Beirut, Cairo, Marrakech, Palma de Majorca.
  2. Oikos - Integral Ecology: In October 2022, the third edition of the diploma course will start at the Pontifical Antonianum University (1 year - virtual), with two specialisations: Business and Mediterranean. The aim is to train facilitators who will then be integrated into the various projects of the network. Information will be sent in due course.
  3. The proposal on the organisational structure of the network was discussed.
Franciscan Network for Migrants: Br Jaime Campos, OFM, presented an update on the organisation: houses of welcome and work teams. The strengthening of the national teams (6 countries) and the new areas that the network has been implementing: advocacy team, section "for migrants," and the training plan for members of the network.
  1. COP27 - November 2022
Based on the project presented by the JPIC Office, the decision was taken to carry it forward, in collaboration with Franciscans International, in two phases:
  1. Preliminary events: The Franciscan Network of the Mediterranean will organise meetings on climate change in the cities of the "Oikos-Youth" project.
  2. Official Event: Br Jacek Orzechowski, OFM, will represent the JPIC Office at the COP27 in collaboration with Franciscans International.
  3. International JPIC Meetings
International JPIC Council 2022: The possibility of holding the IJPICC meeting towards the end of this year (November) was discussed. Two countries are proposed as possible venues for the meeting. Br Jaime will consult with the friars of these countries to explore the opportunities. The JPIC Animation Committee will meet immediately after the IJPICC in the same city. VI Continental JPIC Meeting of the Americas and Intercontinental Asia/Oceania Meeting. During the International JPIC Council in November 2022, the place and date for each of these meetings will be decided. Therefore, both would be in 2023. It will be opportune to rethink these meetings, their dynamics, scope, means in the post-pandemic.
  1. International JPIC Course
We discussed the need to evaluate the format of this course. It was recalled that it began in 2008, and some 450 friars have participated. Therefore, it was agreed to bring this issue to the following International JPIC Council.
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