
JPIC Course Begins: 10th Annual International Course on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation in the PUA  

08 May 2017
The Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of the Creation of the General Curia and the Faculty of Theology of the PUA, through its Chair of Justice and Peace, have jointly organized the Course on “Slavery of the XXI century, New Threats to the Human Dignity”. The Course has begun with the greeting of Alvaro Cacciotti, OFM, Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University Antonianum of Rome and the presence of about 60 participants. The participants of this course are mainly the JPIC OFM animators of the various presences of the Order in the World, particularly those who initiate this service within the Church and the Order. In addition, it is open to the students of the Pontifical University Antonianum and people interested in the subject that develop some work or service in the area covered in this course. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="15515,15516,15517,15518,15519,15520,15521,15522,15523,15524"]  
OFM in the World
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