
JPIC International Course: 4-15 April 2016

16 March 2016
The Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) of the OFM General Curia, in collaboration with the Department of JPIC of the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome, invites participants to the annual JPIC Course. This year´s main theme is the Encyclical of Pope Francis: Laudato si’. The course consists of two parts. The first week (5-8 April) is open to all.  It is more systematic as it covers all the necessary tools to build a vision that helps the urgent changes of the present world. The second week (11-15 April) focuses specifically on the formation of the leaders of JPIC of our Order. We will have the opportunity to construct together, building from experience and reflection, a way that can accompany these processes of change that come from the Gospel and the Francis-Clarian Spirit.
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