
JPIC Webinar on Migration

21 March 2019
The JPIC Office in Rome has planned a series of webinars for 2019 on the four topics that are the general directions of JPIC promotion decided at the last International Council for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation in Verona, Italy. The topics are Migration, Climate Change, Laudato si', and Mining (extractive industry). And it held the first three on the theme of MIGRATION in three official languages of the Order. Here is the list of them. The video recordings of them are available on the JPIC website and the JPIC YouTube channel.   It was the first attempt by the office to offer an opportunity of JPIC formation and discussion on the online platform. Even though the participants were not yet many, it was still a significant starting point of the new initiative that can reach out to more brothers and sisters on our way to the Gospel values, JPIC. Hopefully, there would be much bigger participation in the coming webinars, and this new initiative could deepen our understandings of global issues and foster collaboration on the ground. The topic of the next webinar is Climate Change. The schedule of the next webinars can be found in "Agenda" on the web site of the JPIC Office. Register here to receive invitations and information for all the webinars.
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