
Koinonia 2020 - 2 (N.106): The Secular Franciscan and the Immigrant

23 July 2020

The Secular Franciscan and the Immigrant

  For many centuries many people have been forced to live an exodus, the emigration from their land, and this problem still remains today as a real suffering for entire populations. Emigration therefore continues to be a topic of constant debate, which feeds more discussion than practical action. It is the paradox of our times in which globalization makes us say that “the world is a global village”, but in which nations are still divided, closed and hostile more than ever. Emigration and its consequence, immigration which is rooted in the opposition “between us and others” are increasingly causing a large number of internal conflicts. They are manifested in clashes between nationalities, ethnicities, political affiliations or religious beliefs, especially causing disadvantage to those who are persecuted in their country of origin, with consequent aggravation of problems in the countries of refuge. Unfortunately, people seem to have no memory of history and often refuse to learn from the past. It would be nice and constructive for everyone to be aware that they are pilgrims in the world, so as not to consider anyone as “different” because they belong to another nation.  

N. 106

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