
Laudato Si': from celebration to action | A Project of the Museum for the United Nations - UN Live

26 March 2021
The project "Laudato Si': from celebration to action" is an initiative by the Museum for the United Nations - UN Live, in partnership with the Colombian Episcopal Conference (CEC) and the Franciscan General Office for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC-OFM). This initiative is inspired by the leadership of Pope Francis, drawing from his message of integral ecology and his platform for the implementation of the Laudato Si' Goals. Our purpose is to empower ecological spirituality as well as participation and action at the individual and community levels. We are hoping to meet communities of the Catholic faith in their most sacred celebration: Mass. We have invited Colombian musicians and producers to compose the Laudato Si' Mass, made up of eleven liturgical songs to be performed during the celebration of the Eucharist.  In addition, an expert in environmental science will design a series of actions targeted towards social and environmental care, driven by the aim to engage followers of this from Mass with its mission, beyond the Mass itself. The mission is to take care of the Creation. The Museum for the United Nations - UN Live, the CEC and the JPIC-OFM Office hope to reach all six thousand parishes and places of worship in Colombia on the eve of the Day of St. Francis of Assisi, on October 3. The goal is to spread the Laudato Si' Mass throughout the country and inspire Catholic communities to take concrete actions in the mission of care for Creation. If other organisations in Colombia or throughout the world want to join this celebration, we will go above and beyond this goal. Please do not hesitate to take part. We hope that this project in Colombia will serve as a pilot to showcase and replicate the Mass in other countries, to share with diverse religious communities, as well as to present to Pope Francis at the Vatican. We hope to find many to join us to move this project forward - all are welcome!
"Joined to the incarnate Son, present in the Eucharist, the whole cosmos gives thanks to God. Indeed, the Eucharist is in itself an act of cosmic love: "Yes, cosmic! Because even when it is celebrated on the humble altar of a country church, the Eucharist is always in some way celebrated on the altar of the world"" (Laudato Si' 236).
  Photo: Carlos Alvarado, Cathopic
OFM in the World
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