
Letter From the General Minister for the VII World Day of the Poor

XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time – 19th November, 2023

04 October 2023

On the Solemnity of St. Francis of Assisi, Oct. 4, the Minister General, Br. Massimo Fusarelli, addressed a letter to all the brothers of the Order of Friars Minor for the VII World Day of the Poor

“The World Day of the Poor is again before us, the seventh so desired by Pope Francis and I would like to bring to our attention the Message that the Pope wrote for the occasion on the 13th June on the feast of Saint Anthony of Padua, brother and friend of the poor. The invitation is to read it personally and in fraternity, with our lay people and collaborators, «to discover ever anew the heart of the Gospel»Br. Massimo says at the beginning of the letter.

Read the full text of the Letter:  Italiano Español English - Français - Português - Polski - Hrvatski - Deutsch

Letters and Homilies
Br Massimo Fusarelli
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