
Letter of the Minister General for Holy Christmas 2022

08 December 2022

“Dear brothers and sisters! 
With the feast of the Immaculate Virgin, in the heart of Advent, we prepare to experience a Christmas both bright and dark, as in Bethlehem, where the Child who is born is threatened. As in Greccio, where Clare invites us to «Look, I say, at the border of this mirror, that is, the poverty of Him Who was placed in a manger and wrapped in swaddling clothes. O, marvellous humility! O astonishing poverty! The King of angels, the Lord of heaven and earth, is laid in a manger» (4 Ag, 19-21)”.

This is what we read the Letter that the Minister General, Br Massimo Fusarelli, wrote to the Franciscan Family and friends of our Order on the occasion of the approaching Christmas of the Lord.

Full text: English -Italiano -  Español - Français - Hrvatski - Polski - Deutsch- Português

Letters and Homilies Minister General
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