
Letter of the Minister General to the Conceptionist Sisters

17 August 2023, Solemnity of Saint Beatriz da Silva

13 August 2023

On the occasion of the solemn commemoration of St Mother Beatriz da Silva, which is celebrated on the 17th of August, the Minister General, Br Massimo Fusarelli, OFM, addressed a Letter to the Sisters of the Order of the Immaculate Conception, also known as the Conceptionist Sisters.

In his message, the Minister General offers few lines of inspiration for the form of life of the Conceptionist Sisters, starting from the 8th Centenary of the Approved Rule and the Christmas of Greccio that the entire Franciscan Order is celebrating this year.

The path that led St. Francis to write a Rule was not easy, we read in the Letter, just as it was not easy for St. Beatrice to have a written rule. Unlike the Poverello of Assisi, St. Beatrice died without seeing her charism founded on her own Rule. This would only arrive decades later and "is not reduced to a series of precepts and customs but reminds us vividly of the power of the charism, which lives in the Spirit and once again opens the way for us to live it today", writes Br Massimo.

Referring to the Christmas at Greccio, the Minister General focused on the faith of the Virgin Mary, who accepted the incarnation of the Son of God in her womb and invites the Conceptionist Sisters to live with Mary's attitude of faith, of listening, of charity towards the world, "that the power of the Gospel may be received and transform it".

Read the full text of the Letter: ItalianoEspañol - Português

Pro Monialibus Franciscan Saints Letters and Homilies Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli Saint Beatriz da Silva
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