
Pentecost Letter 2024

500th anniversary of the coming of the first Friars Minor to Mexico

13 May 2024

Letter from the Minister General on the occasion of the Solemnity of Pentecost 2024

‘And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am on my way...’ (Acts 20:22)

500th anniversary of the coming of the first Friars Minor to Mexico

Rome, 13 May 2024

In his address to the elders of Ephesus, the Apostle Paul sums up his life as mission. He recognises that the Spirit of the Crucified and Risen Lord is the central figure in his long journey, the very soul of his mission. It is He who guides Paul, directing him, always pushing him beyond himself and beyond many boundaries. 
While Pentecost is always a reminder to listen to the Spirit’s gentle breeze, this year’s breath of Pentecost has a particular emphasis because we also recall the Stigmata of Saint Francis. Remembering this brings us back to the heart of our charism — to live the Gospel by following in the footprints of the poor and crucified Christ. Today, the 13th of May 2024, we also recall the 500th anniversary of the arrival in Veracruz, Mexico, of the first twelve missionary friars. The Minister General, Fray Francisco de los Ángeles Quiñones, sent these friars in the freedom of the spirit, which is at the heart of every missionary vocation. This event is a singular and important fact in the Order’s history, and one that has received insufficient attention. In fact, although the historical record contains both light and shadows, it became the most comprehensive and important project for the evangelisation of the peoples of America and can be considered a true response to the gift of the Spirit.

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