
Listening, dialogue, sharing and calm confrontation

Italy: Assembly of the Provinces of Campania-Basilicata-Calabria

03 July 2023

From 21 to 23 June 2023, at the "Maria Immacolata" Oasis in Montecalvo Irpino (Italy), the Assembly of the Definitors of the four Provinces of Campania, Basilicata and Calabria was held, with the presence of the Delegate General Br. Francesco Ielpo, who was appointed last September by the Minister General (at the request of the four provincial Chapters) "to facilitate and accompany" the journey of the four Provinces (of the "Seven Holy Martyrs" of Calabria, of the "Sacred Heart of Jesus" of Naples-Caserta, of the "Immaculate Conception" of Salerno-Basilicata, of "Santa Maria delle Grazie" of Benevento-Avellino), in view of "a common restructuring project, to be implemented gradually".

The work was also attended - on the day of 23 June alone - by Definitor General Br. Cesare Vaiani.

The Assembly, which took place in an atmosphere of listening, dialogue, sharing and serene confrontation, was an important moment to verify the journey made in recent months, and to plan, through the approval of the Final Document, the next steps and initiatives for the coming fraternal year. 

Entities OFM in the World General Definitorium
Br Cesare Vaiani Reorganizing and Restructuring
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