
Mariology Forum at the Antonianum

02 November 2015
On October 29-30, 2015, The Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internationalis (PAMI) and the Pontificia Università Antonianum (PUA) presented a Mariology Forum. It was centred on the Franciscan Connectionist nun "Maria di Gesù of Ágreda, her story and thought". She was an extraordinary woman of XVI century Spain. She was a religious, a mystic and a writer noted for her monumental work on the life of the Virgin Mary, “La mistica città di Dio” (The Mystical City of God). After the greeting of Sr. Mary Melone, Rector of PUA, Br. Gianni Califano, the OFM General Postulator, Sr. Maria Vega Arenzana, Abbess of the convent of Ágreda, and the presentation of Br. Vincenzo Battaglia, President of PAMI, Antonio M. Artola Abiza, Br. Giuseppe Buffon and Rosaria Cabibbo gave their respective presentations. The session of the first day was moderated by Br. Pietro Messa. The morning session of the second day was moderated by Br. Agustín Hernández, Vice Rector of the PUA. Presentations were made by Br. Stefano Cecchin, Secretary of PAMI, Br. Francisco Xavier Calpe Melendres and Pino Esposito. The afternoon session which ended with a panel discussion was moderated by Alessandra Bartolomei Romagnoli, of the Pontifical Gregorian University. [gallery link="file" ids="9725,9721,9722,9723,9724,9726"]
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