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Meeting of the Commission for Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Adults

General Curia, 30 November - 2 December

04 December 2023

The Safeguarding of Minors and Vulnerable Adults has been developing as a culture in our Order since the decisions taken by the General Chapter of 2021 mandating the creation of a Commission, along with a mandate that each entity develop a written code of conduct for its friars, and written policies and procedures for responding to allegations of abuse, as well as ensuring the training of friars in this regard. 

The Permanent Commission on Safeguarding met in Rome from 30 November to 2 December. It is the task of the Commission to monitor how a culture of safeguarding is taking root in the Order and to offer support and help to that end. 

To put an approved policy document on Safeguarding in place for every entity of the Order is a huge task, but progress is being made. To assist the Ministers at different levels to draft and submit a policy for approval, the meeting worked to draft guidelines on how to go about writing a Safeguarding Statement and Policy and Procedures. These guidelines will be sent to the Entities in the coming days. The members also spent time working on a letter to be sent to all the friars of the Order about the abuse of power which lies at the heart of all forms of abuse, whether physical, emotional, spiritual, or sexual. 

Although the members of the Commission have met a number of times this year by way of Zoom, being able to meet in person offered a much better environment for working together on these documents. The meeting also provided an opportunity to review how work has been progressing and to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of our work, as well as the opportunities and threats that we face. Not that we face threats from the friars! The threats arise from the issues and weaknesses that belong to us as a group and being aware of them offers us a way to resolve them before they harm our work and the spirit of joy and respect we share with one another.

Some of the time of the meeting was spent exploring safeguarding issues and how to respond to particular difficulties and cases. We also had the opportunity to meet with the Minister General, br Massimo Fusarelli, and to deepen with him our understanding of the many dimensions of Safeguarding. Time was also spent planning for the next gathering of the members in Assisi from 25 February to 2 March 2024.

The photograph shows the members of the Commission. Unfortunately, two of the members could not be with us, br Daniel Fleitas of Argentina, and br Frederik Odhaiambo of the East African Province. The members are br Albert Schmucki, President of the Office for Safeguarding, br Teofil Czarniak (Immaculate Conception, Poland), br Aidan McGrath (Province of Ireland), br John Paul Tan (Custody of Singapore), br Alvin Paras (recording secretary), br Joseph Cavoto (Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe USA), Mrs Anne Peach (U.S.A.), and br Joseph Condren, Secretary of the Office for Safeguarding.


General Curia Safeguarding
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