
Meeting of the commission of the ‘New Forms’

In The Netherlands

25 February 2024

From 5-7 February 2024, the commission members of the ‘New Forms’ (Br Andraz, Br Bernard, Br Gabriele and Br Fer), have come together in City-convent San Damiano in ‘s -Hertogenbosch in The Netherlands. Brothers and sisters of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Order live together there. The friars who have come together tell us about this encounter:

During these days we have prepared a next meeting in Rome of friars from whole Europe who are living in the new forms or interesting in it. Please save the dates: arrival Sunday November 3rd – departure Thursday November 8th 2024. The theme will be ‘living minoritas in the New Forms’. We will present our own communities wherein we live, share what we have learned and where we still can grow in the New Forms. Both Br. Miran Špelič from Slovenia and our minister general Massimo Fusarelli will give us a lecture. We will share about the identity of the New Forms and the opportunities for our missionary zeal and try to clarify the questions around it. To put things into practice we will visit the New Form of Torre Angela in the outskirts of Rome. And of course there will be plenty of time to share the joy of being friars and to enrich each other during these days in smaller groups and one-to-one talks.  Unfortunately, our brother Francisco Gómez Vargas, secretary general for missions and evangelization, could not join us because of health reasons.

In the meantime we are constructing a Map of Europe about where to find the New Forms. That will be a great help in visiting each other, with special opportunities to make these opportunities part of initial and ongoing formation.

We will send a letter of invitation to all provincials of Europe, including the program in detail and the way to subscribe.

And… never stay in The Netherlands without visiting a ‘full swing’ windmill! We could visit all four floors of windmill ‘Désiré’ in Megen, close to the 17th century friary  of the brothers.

We are looking forward to see you in Rome!

Andraz, Bernard, Gabriele e Fer

Mission & Evangelisation
New Forms
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