
Meeting of the Formators from the North-Slavic Conference

Poland, April 8-11

12 April 2024

From the 8th to the 11th of April, at Góra Św Anny (Poland), 21 Friars from Poland, Slovakia, and the Ukraine, responsible for initial and ongoing formation, gathered together for their yearly Formators Workshop, organized by Br Samuel Cegłowski OFM, Secretary of Formation and Studies for the North-Slavic OFM Conference.

The meeting gave the brothers the opportunity to reflect on the Order’s Formation process and to discuss ways that they might collaborate in the areas of initial and ongoing formation for Franciscan life. In addition to gathering for prayer and Eucharist, the Friars listened to this year’s wonderful presentations by Sister Dolores Zok SSpS who spoke about, “Discernment as a Journey to Interior Freedom” and by Br Sergiusz Bałdyga OFM whose talk, “Omnes vocenter fratres minores” reflected on the many voices of the Friars Minor. 

Addressing some of the current and future challenges that we may face in Franciscan formation, Don Tomasz Knop offered his reflections in a talk entitled, “Pathology in spirituality and formation: Challenges found in the attitude of today’s candidates for religious life and priesthood.” A full day was dedicated to meetings with the Provincial Ministers, Br Alard Maliszewski and Br Witosław Sztyk, as Friars shared with these servant brothers their experiences, their joys and the difficulties they have encountered working at the various levels of formation. 

The gathering concluded with a Eucharistic celebration at the Basilica of Saint Anne, presided over by Br Alard Maliszewski, who offered some encouraging words in a brief homily that was also geared towards the Friars.

Formation and Studies Conferences
SLAN Ongoing formation Initial formation
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