Dear brothers of Eastern Congo, and especially of Goma,
May the Lord give you peace!
In these times of great trial and suffering for your region, I want to express all my solidarity and fraternal support. My heart is with you as you witness the daily violence of war, the occupation of your land, and the pain of seeing so many of your brothers and sisters wounded or lose their lives.
This sense of closeness has grown even stronger since my visit with you last February. The moments we shared, the faces I encountered, and the experiences we lived together remain indelibly etched in my heart. This visit allowed me to better understand your daily reality and further strengthens my commitment to stand by your side today.
I am deeply touched and grateful for your constant presence alongside the affected populations, particularly in the refugee camps. Your commitment to standing by the most vulnerable and keeping the flame of hope alive in times of darkness is a living testimony to the spirit of Saint Francis.
Amid daily insecurity and an uncertain future, know that the entire Order is united with you in prayer and hope. Like Saint Francis, who sought peace even in the most difficult times, we remain vigilant in prayer, faithfully awaiting the time of peace.
May the Lord protect you and give you the strength to continue your mission of peace and comfort to those who suffer. May the example of our father Saint Francis continue to inspire your service and witness.
In fraternal unity and prayer
Br. Massimo Fusarelli, ofm
Minister General