
Minister General and the Assembly of the Caribbean Franciscan Custody

13 September 2016
The Caribbean Custody "Holy Mary of Hope" held its annual meeting with the attendance of the Minister General Br. Michael A. Perry in the Mission House Claret of Puerto Rico, from the 3th to the 8th of September. The Custody depends on the Province of Aranzazu in Spain. The Custody has twenty-six brothers, twenty in solemn vows and six in temporary vows. They live in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Cuba. They form six fraternities. The brothers take care of six parishes, a school, a health center and the project "New Hope” that supports annually the integral development of about 400 low-income children. The Assembly was attended by sixteen solemnly professed members of the Custody. The Minister General, Br. Michael Perry and Br. Ignacio Ceja participated on the first day of activities. The Custos, Br. Gerardo Vargas, presided the opening and welcoming of the friars. The Provincial Minister Br. Juan María Martinez de Llarduia conveyed his greeting via Skype. The Custos, Br. Gerardo Vargas, invited the Minister General to speak. Br. Michael reminded the brothers that the reason for this meeting and our presence is to unite the efforts to search for concrete ways that allow us to deepen our Franciscan identity and to strength the sense of belonging to the universal Fraternity, expanding the horizons of our mental and structural frontiers so that we bear witness to the reason for our Hope and Faith in Jesus Christ. For complete information in Spanish, visit: Spanish News [gallery link="file" ids="11361,11360,11359"]
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