
Minister General at the Antonianum for 2022 Christmas greetings

15 December 2022

Rome, 15 December 2022. The Minister General, Br Massimo Fusarelli, yesterday went to the International College of St Anthony in Rome for Christmas greetings. Accompanying the Minister General were Br César Külkamp, Definitor General and General Delegate for the College, and Br Darko Tepert, Secretary General for Formation and Studies of the Order.

"This Christmas now makes us look forward to the 800th anniversary of the Christmas of Greccio, which we will celebrate in 2023. As I mentioned in my letter of greetings to the whole Order, in this Christmas at Greccio, we recognise signs of light and darkness," Br Massimo said in his reflection during Vespers. As a time of darkness, Br Massimo mentioned difficult situations in which humanity is immersed in violence and death, such as the wars in Ukraine, the Middle East, the African continent, Central America, South America, and Asia. 

To the friars of the College - professors, university staff and student friars - Br Massimo invited them to be creative in their research and study: "This time does not allow us to repeat formulas and recite ideas. Therefore, I ask you, brothers, in this place, in this house, in which you spend your time in research, between study and teaching, to become creative and not passive, not resigned, in times like these; to write a life according to the Gospel as lesser brothers".

Br Massimo concluded his reflection by wishing everyone "a Merry Christmas and Happy 2023, the beginning of the Franciscan centenary, which will take us through to 2026". 

The Christmas greetings concluded with the "Posada", the typical procession of Mexican origin and now widespread throughout Latin America, which preceded dinner with various intercultural presentations of Christmas around the world.

OFM in the World Minister General
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