
Minister General calls for solidarity with Haiti

17 December 2021
Friar Massimo Fusarelli, our Minister General reminds us not to forget those who need our prayers and charity, especially at this time of Christmas. He asks us to be even closer in solidarity with those in need, such as the dear people of Haiti who have been hit hard by yet another disaster. “My brothers, Br Wilfrid and Br Noe Francisco described the situation to me. Unfortunately, it is identical to that experienced after the more famous earthquake in 2010,” reads the Minister's letter, adding, “That is why, on the occasion of Christmas, I would like to ask you to look at one of the poorest countries in the world, ravaged over the years by continual natural disasters and now without even a political leadership working to help its exhausted and destitute population”. The Minister concluded his letter by asking for aid in supporting the commitment of the friars who have been working for years in this Central American country, in order to be able to bring concrete help with food, hygienic kits and emergency tents. The Minister's letter adds his voice to the appeal made by Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square in Rome on both October 31 and December 15 of this 2021. A few months ago, on August 14, a violent 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck the south of the country, killing more than 2,500 people and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless and food insecure; and on December 13, a devastating explosion in Cap-Häitien killed dozens of people and injured hundreds of others.

Full text of the Minister General's letter

How to get help to Haiti

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General Definitorium Letters and Homilies
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