
Minister General's "dismay" at the murder of Br. Wilberth Daza Rodas in Bolivia

18 April 2022
The Minister General, Br Massimo Fusarelli, has expressed his sadness at the killing of Br Wilberth Daza Rodas, of the St Anthony Missionary Province of Bolivia, on Holy Saturday, 16 April 2022, in Bolivia. We reproduce the Minister General's letter: Dear Brother Minister and all the brothers,  May the Lord give you peace! Yesterday, together with the General Definitory, I learned the sad news of the killing brother Wilberth Daza Rodas after the Easter Vigil celebrated in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The reason seems trivial, and the brutal violence of the attack provokes deep sorrow and many questions. Certainly, it is also a symptom of the difficult social situation in the country. I hereby wish to express very simply my closeness and that of all the brothers of the General Definitory to your Province so painfully affected, to the family of the victim and all those who knew and loved him. Brother Wilberth - a humble and helpful brother - met his sister death after celebrating the One who conquered death and came out of the tomb glorious and victorious. May the Risen Lord accompany him into the merciful arms of the Father, wrapped in the Spirit and sustained by the Immaculate Virgin and Our Father St Francis. With the brothers of the Custody of Morocco with whom I begin the Chapter today, let us pray for his eternal rest, for his family and for you all, together with the intercession of so many brothers in the Order. We do not often understand the meaning of what happens to us, and we cry out to God in our sorrow and our questioning. We also ask Him for a firmer and deeper faith. With these sentiments, I send you a fraternal embrace, brothers, certain that the Lord will know how to give his consolation and restore the good that passes through the life and self-giving of our brother. With the Seraphic Blessing, Your brother and servant Br. Massimo Fusarelli    English - Español – Italiano 
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